Exclusive Offers
AMMI price offer with the promo code “WEB”
Accessible to all, use the promo code WEB and benefit from many advantages:
- Up to -10% discount for direct reservations
- Early check-in 2pm / late check-out 12a
12% off for our returning customers,
and their friends!
To thank our customers who come back to stay with us, we offer a discount starting from the 2nd stay, as well as other privileges (also available for the friends of our loyal customers). To get your discount, enter the promo code given during your previous stay when booking.
Romantique package
An important moment to celebrate? We offer you a selection of elegant and delicious products, set up in your studio for your arrival or at the time you wish.
Your room for the day (Day Use)
Room rental per day :
- between 11am and 3pm: 50€
- between 10am and 5pm: 70€
- extra charge for upgrading to a larger room or balcony depending on availability: 20€.
Business Pack
calm, flexibility, free express breakfast
To benefit of your advantages, it's simple, enter the code BUSINESS on our official website (or contact us with this code by phone/WhatsApp)